About three out of four people could benefit from braces, but not everyone opts for this corrective dental intervention. This is unfortunate since the benefits of braces can be dramatic and last a lifetime. Every person’s mouth and every set of teeth are different. So it stands to reason that sometimes, a person’s teeth don’t […]
When you mention braces, most people think of perfectly straight teeth, but there is so much more to orthodontia than just the aesthetics. For many, enduring metal brackets was a necessary part of growing up. Luckily, advances in dental technology have given us clear aligner therapy, and even tooth-colored ceramic brackets, as alternatives to shiny […]
You know your teeth are important, keeping a white smile and a healthy mouth are extremely important to a confident smile and pearly white teeth. But there are other positive benefits to keeping your mouth squeaky clean. Not only does it keep your teeth clean, keep you from any painful and expensive dental work and […]
If you want to keep smiling with a healthy and well functioning set of pearly whites, follow these easy tips to help you keep your teeth healthy. 1.Brush at least twice a day. The best time to brush teeth is at the start and end of each day or after meals. Choose a toothbrush with […]
After you have completed your orthodontic treatment, it is important to continue caring for your teeth. Once your braces are removed, a retainer may be proper treatment to keep your teeth straight. Following the recommendations from your orthodontist can ensure your teeth continue to stay in perfect alignment. What Do Retainers Do? Retainers hold your […]
Choosing an orthodontist can be tricky, it is hard to know what to look for and which office will best suit your lifestyle and oral health needs. With any service, we understand you want the best treatment available at the best price. To help you in your search for the right one, we’ve made a […]
Finishing orthodontic treatment is a big deal! Finally, your braces are coming off! You’ve invested a lot into the process and are excited to see your sparkling straight smile. The last thing you want to see when they remove your braces is stained teeth. Fortunately, we have several recommendations to offer to prevent you from […]
We care about our patient’s well being and comfort in our office and as such we encourage you to be active in your treatment. A great way to be active is to learn more about your treatment and the orthodontic process. Understanding how your teeth move and how orthodontics works can help you to feel […]
October often symbolizes the start of fall and the holiday season, and for us orthodontists October means National Orthodontic Health Month! During this month, we raise awareness about the benefits of orthodontic treatment and how essential it can be to your overall dental health. Orthodontics The American Association of Orthodontists recommends parents have their child’s […]
Overcrowding, also known as dental crowding or crowded teeth, is a common dental condition that refers to when your teeth are unable to grow straight due to a lack of space. When this occurs, your teeth may press together, overlap, and twist out of alignment with some teeth being pushed behind or in front of […]