Manhattan: (212) 517-9795|Pelham: (914) 738-7995

What are Space Maintainers?

If your child loses a tooth early, for whatever reason, they may need a space maintainer. It is important to understand the benefits of a space maintainer and how they can help to support your child’s oral health. What is a space maintainer? A space maintainer is an oral appliance custom-made by orthodontists or dentists […]

Offshore Fishing

Dr. Kossowan and Greg doing some offshore fishing off Long Beach Island, New Jersey. Dr. Kossowan caught the fish!!

Orthodontic Treatment and Your Health

A smile is one of the first things you notice about someone. In terms of orthodontic treatment, the most notable and noticeable benefit from orthodontic treatment is the improvement of your smile. A bright smile is not just a symbol of confidence, but it can also be a sign of good health. In addition to […]

5 Common Oral Surgeries and What to Expect

Many times when a dentist mentions oral surgery, it can be met with panic and fear. However, what many patients don’t realize is that oral surgery is more common than they think. Oral surgery covers a wide range of procedures that address common conditions with which patients may struggle. It is typically considered an outpatient […]

The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Timing is everything, especially when it comes to your child’s oral health. Orthodontic treatment should begin earlier than most parents realize as certain conditions can become progressively worse if left untreated. Our staff and doctors are happy to help you determine whether or not early orthodontic treatment is necessary for your child. What is early […]

Taking Care of Your Smile from Home

Due to COVID-19, many offices closed for patient and staff safety or were open for emergencies only. As our offices begin to reopen, you may be unsure of when you will be able to return for treatment. We understand that part of the success of the orthodontic treatment is showing up for your scheduled appointments, […]

Toothpaste and Orthodontics

Between the thousands of brands, different flavors, and claims it is no surprise that people can have a difficult time when choosing a toothpaste. Even some dental professionals admit that it can take time to differentiate between brands and types. If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, it can make the decision even more daunting. To […]


You’ve probably heard of overbites, crooked teeth, or underbites whether you know someone who has one of these conditions or if you’ve experienced one yourself. These conditions are considered different types of malocclusions, which is the official term for mismatched teeth or jaw issues caused by misalignments with your bite. Roughly 2/3 adults have some […]

What do TMJ and TMD mean?

Medical terms can be confusing and overwhelming for some patients and even medical professionals from time to time. You may have heard your friends and family describing their diagnosis of TMJ, with symptoms of a clicking jaw or earaches, while others refer to it by a different name, TMD. Though these terms can sound the […]